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GIS location selector

Using google maps is the best and easy way to integrate GIS information system to your web sites. Most of the social media application using google maps to their sites in current world. In here we are going to discuss how to integrate google maps in our web site and mark location from given set of locations. Simply here we are going to get location form mysql data base and populate those location on google map. step 01: First we need to obtain a google map API key form google. Click here to get api key. Step 02: Setup data base which included gis locations. in this database have included US locations and its GIS locations. SET SQL_MODE="NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; -- -- Database: `gis` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `gis_locationinfor` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `gis_locationinfor` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `region` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `country` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `states` varchar(100) NOT N...

Unix VS Linux

Free Software says that people have freedom to share software and related technology free without any hesitating. And also this may enable the rapid software development because all brains become to one stage and play the game. On a technical level, Free software grantees the right view and also modify source code if some one need different think as his view. In this post I am not going to deeply discuss about what Unix is and What Linux but here lats we talk about some interesting happenings around Unix and Linux What is Unix. In 1980, A computer scientist called Richard Stallman decided to create a venerable operating system called Unix. At the time Unix ran many of industrial and academic system in the world. He started developing Unix operating system and most of the world wide people join with him to success this operating system. Stallman called his version as "GNU" (Pronounced G-noo). This was start of GNU but not Unix, any way this was the new legendary of Unix so th...

Debugging PHP with Netbeans

Most of the PHP developers are complaining that they have not a good ID for PHP debugging and every time that they have to use var_dump() print statement or PHP die or exit commands to check the state of php script. But now we can use netbeans to overcome this issue with netbeans-xdebug. I tried this with Linux and feel that working it cool. Anyway still I had not a time to try out this with windows and hope that netbeans-xdebuger working fine with windows also. Now I am going to explain how we can enable netbeans-xdebuger in Ubuntu 1. First we should have a netbeans installation package (Download from here ) 2. After installing Netbeans we can install xdebuger. To do that open terminal and type fallowing commands. sudo apt-get install php5-dev php-pear sudo pecl install xdebug 3. Now you have installed xdebug successfully but not configure with PHP yet. To Configure xdebuger with php and netbeans ID. open php.ini file using this command; sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini A...

JQuery category selection table.

JQuery make js effect very easy and providing fancy techniques to do some stuff. In here we are going to explain how we can create category selection table using JQuery. Lets try to understand this using real world example. In this case we are having a table as fallow and we need to populate categories to select one or multiple for users. DB table, In here am using joomla coding but we can apply pure php cording to populate above table data in the side of front end. Populate table data, $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $sqlgetcatinfor="SELECT * FROM #__ci_categoriesselection GROUP BY state"; $db->setQuery($sqlgetcatinfor); $categories = $db->loadObjectList(); //var_dump($categories); $stateul=''; $tdregionul=''; $tdcategoryul=''; $i=1; foreach($categories AS $category){ $stateul=$stateul.''; $sqlgetregions="SELECT * FROM #__ci_categoriesselecti...

Creating Joomla Component Submenus

Simply we can add joomla component sub menu using component installation xml file. For that you need to include fallowing xml elements in your xml file inside com installation zip file. Main Menu Name/Component Name Menu Item 1 Menu Item 2 Menu Item 3 Menu Item 4 Menu Item 5 if some one need to add additional sub menus when already installed component you can add those using simple direct DB insert operation. Steps: 1. Go to the joomla database. 2. Select "DBfrefix_components" table. 3. Get component id by doing some search for "name" column and select its "id". 4. Now add your desired sub menu as fallow. INSERT INTO `jos_components` (`id`, `name`, `link`, `menuid`, `parent`, `admin_menu_link`, `admin_menu_alt`, `option`, `ordering`, `admin_menu_img`, `iscore`, `params`, `enabled`) VALUES (1, 'Main Menu Name/Component Name', 'option=com_componentname' , 0, 0,'option= com_componentname', 'Main Menu Name/Component Name', ...