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Seven important facts for success of ASP.NET

1.The ASP.NET Framework is collection of functional parts such as classes, interfaces ,structures and other core programming ingredients. ASP.NET framework organized in to logical, he reticle container called namespace. In .NET framework provide massive functionalities almost all programming aspects. All of this namespace call class library in .NET framework.

2.Normally when execute a code segment after connect with the web server has to interpret the scripting coding and convert it into low-level machine code. Normally this process is notoriously slow. But in ASP.NET providing a functionality to compile the scripting code when requesting the code. Therefore there is no point of requirements to compile scripting code every time when it request. It will save the compilation time.

3.Though you’ll probably opt to use one language over another when you develop an application, that choice won’t determine what you can accomplish with your web applications. That’s because no matter what language you use, the code is compiled into Intermediate Language. Therefore ASP .NET is multi language.

4.Another impotent fact of ASP.NET is hosted by common language runtime(CLR). Perhaps the most important aspect of the ASP.NET engine is that it runs inside the runtime environment of the CLR. The whole of the .NET Framework—that is, all namespaces, applications, and classes—is referred to as managed code. CLR environment provide the handful of features for ASP.NET applications such as

  • Automatic memory management and garbage collection
  • safety (Additional support files, and the compiler can verify that every call is valid at runtime. This extra layer of safety completely obliterates whole categories of low-level errors)
  • Extensible metadata
  • Structured error handling
  • Multithreading

5.ASP.NET Is Object-Oriented

6. ASP.NET is multi device and multi browser support application.

7. ASP.NET is easy to mange and configure.


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